Thursday 25 September 2014

Market Research - Questionnaires

As part of my market research, I gave questionnaires to members of the public to gain opinions about the type of music that people enjoy and what they expect from a music video. I asked a range of open and closed questions so I could generalise some conclusions whilst getting personal views on music videos. Below is the questionnaire that I gave to the public:

1) My first question was asking the audience what age and gender they were. I didn't want to to make the question seem personal or bombarding so gave options for the age group and didn't ask for any names as it is irrelevant information which the person might not want to share. I started the age group category at 15-24 years old because I don't think many people younger then this will be as keen about music like going to concerts and watching music channels and having Twitter and Facebook to follow the artists. The 15-24 year old category has lots of music targeted towards them through social media and things like radio. Also, a lot of artists in the charts at the moment fall into this age category, for example, Rihanna, One Direction, etc. so the audience can feel like they relate to them. The next age category is 25-44 year olds. I chose to include this category because they will be familiar with social networking and music videos but will not spend lots of time going out of their way to watch their artists online or on TV because they will have jobs and families. My last category is 45 years and over. This age group will not be as aware of the technology and media that allows us to communicate with artists, such as subscribing to youtube, tweeting our favourite artists and downloading and sharing music. this age group will also have a different taste of music to the younger generations so I am expecting to get some different results. I thought it was important to ask the gender of the person as this might influence their favourite artist.

2) My next question is 'What is your favourite music genre?'. This question is one of the most important questions on the questionnaire because I need to satisfy customer needs and find out how to accomplish a successful music video within a particular genre. I gave a list of popular genres that I thought most people would pick from and then left a space for an alternative suggestion. I only allowed the participant to pick one option to limit confusion and make it clear what they enjoyed the most.

3) 'Who is your favourite artist(s)?' is the third question on my questionnaire. I think it is important to find out who people enjoy listening to music for so I can see what they do to promote their songs successfully through a music video. There is space provided for the participants to write down their

4) The fourth question on the questionnaire is 'Do you watch music videos for your favourite artists?'. This question has a simple 'yes' and 'no' option for an answer. It is important to find out whether the audience watch the music videos as it will be pointless producing a music video if it will not maximise publicity for the song.

5) I have asked the audience their all-time favourite music video so I can gain inspiration from the music videos that people enjoy to watch. I will look at patterns and features that commonly appear so I know how to make a successful music video.

6) I asked the audience to rank what they think is most important in a music video with options of narrative, lyrics, dancing, special effects and the artist being featured. I can the include in my own product what people want to and expect to see in a music video. I gave an option for the participant to offer their own suggestion of what is important in a music video.

7) I have also chose to ask the audience whether they watch music channels on TV. I chose to ask this question because I can look into what music videos are featured on these channels and why they are chosen. For example, MTV chose music videos from the charts because it is music that is currently having a lot of downloads and is popular.

8) The final question is 'how often do you watch music videos?' I think it is important to ask the audience how often they watch music videos because I will need to be able to keep the audience of my own product interested every time they watch the music video.

9) I gave space for any other other comments that the audience might want to include that could inspire my music video.

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