Monday 29 September 2014

Market Research- Questionnaire Results 'What is your favourite genre of music?'

'What is your favourite genre of music?'
Looking at the results, we can see that R&B is the most favoured genre, followed by indie and rock with equal votes, and then pop, country and jazz after, also with equal votes. I have considered producing an R&B music video as it is the most popular music genre but artists of this genre are very famous and can afford high-budget music videos which are produced soon after releasing a record so it will be hard to find a song that hasn't already got a music video and that people will want to hear. Indie and rock are becoming more and more popular, with artists such as Arctic Monkeys and The Killers producing number one singles. Therefore they could be considered as sliding into the 'popular culture' category as their music is becoming more and more well-known. Therefore, I believe it is best to choose an artist from a less-well known genre but is still popular within the music industry so people are aware of their songs and will watch the music video. I therefore think that choosing an artist from the pop, jazz or country is best. This is because people still like the music genre but my music video won't be a copy.

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