Monday 13 April 2015

Evaluation- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Music Video Construction Audience Feedback

To measure the success of my music video, I have asked my target audeince what they think of the product. Below is w video of what some members of the target audience thought about my video after they had watched it. I also asked my target audience over Facebook as this demographic are keen users of social media. I also gave out some feedback forms where the audience could write some comments about the product. 

Thursday 12 March 2015

Ancillary Task- Poster Research

The final part of my project is to produce a poster for the 'Speak Now' Album. Below are examples of posters that other pop artists have released to promote their album. It is apparent that all the posters feature the artist. There is also a clear colour scheme present for each of the posters and they also all include details about the album, for example, the release date or the number 1 songs on the album.

I like the idea of having the digipack cover on the album like the other Taylor Swift poster and including an 'iTunes' icon to further promote the album. I like the use of naming the successful songs like on the Katy Perry and Jessie J album posters. 

Ancillary Task- Font for Digipack

After testing some potential fonts against the cover of my digipack, I decided to print off a select few and ask my target market which font they preferred. Out of a choice of 5 fonts, I asked the target audience which they liked the most and made a tally. Here are the results:

The most popular choice for the font of 'Speak Now' was between numbers 3 and 4. Both fonts are very different from one another as font 3 is more playful and unique whereas number 4 is bolder and more eye-catching. I have decided to go with font 4 because it is easier to read. I also think it is more appropriate in relation to the theme of the album and contrasts well with the font of 'Taylor Swift'.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Ancillary Task- Digipack Research // Miley Cyrus

Like Taylor Sift, Miley Cyrus was originally a country singer but over recent years has developed into more of a pop artist. Significant changes are obvious in her appearance, style of music and activity. I have decided to look at her album art for her most recent album 'Bangerz' and will compare it to the themes of Swift's Speak Now.

Cyrus's costume on the album art is very exposing and this might have been done to make her seem more desirable and attract a more mature audience. Like the Katy Perry digipack, the album art uses light pastel colours to give a feminine feel. The style of the album art is very 80s and this also applies to the Katy Perry album which is based on a particular time era. This might work well with my album art as the market can get an idea for the type of music on the record and it allows for a running theme through the artwork.

Applying Andrew Goodwin to My Coursework

Andrew Goodwin provides a theory that there are 5 key aspects to every music video. these are:
  • Relationship between the song and visuals
  • Narrative and performance of the song
  • Technical aspect of the music video
  • Star image of the protagonist
  • Thought though beat
In my previous blog post, feedback from my music video states that I have achieved a good performance from my artist. It is also noted that the lyrics corresponding with the footage works well together. For example, the visuals corresponding with the lyrics 'And don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school' is the artist dancing around and having fun and also a shot of her and her 'younger-self'. The lyrics 'Remember the footsteps, remember the words said' are narrated through shots of the artist's cowgirl boots walking and then a close-up shot of her mouth singing the lyrics. There are also shots of the fireworks when the lyrics 'no ones ever burned you, no ones ever left you scarred' are sang to link in the ideas about fireworks can leave those consequences. Although there was a negative that the shots are the same length of time and don't vary, I think this shows that I have thought out the beat of the song and planned shots to go with the bars of music.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Music Video Construction Teacher Feedback

Below is the feedback given back to me regarding my progress for my music video.

I am very happy with the provisional mark given to me as the positives listed took a long time to achieve. My teacher has commented on the performance of my actor and I believe Abbie and I maintained a professional approach to my music video so we were able to work well together to achieve the successful footage. It is also noted that the found footage works really well in the music video which was an aim of mine. After taking the time to research the setting of my music video, it seems as though the shots of the location I chose was a good pick because the shots were well lit and sharp.

Some weaknesses of the music video are the shots seem to be all the same length of time. This is the result of my storyboard planning as I planned shots according to each bar of the song which is a mistake I should have considered in the planning process. There are also a few shots left to film which will be added into my music video very shortly. 

Found Footage Research

Ancillary Task- Digipack Research // Font

It is very important that I choose a font for my digipack that is relevant to the album and the type of artist that Taylor Swift is. The font has a handwritten look about it and I would like to adapt this feature for my coursework as I think it ties in well with the themes of the album.

I have tested some possible fonts that I could use for my album artwork which are displayed below:
I will ask my target audience which fonts they like so I can use it on my digipack.