Tuesday 10 February 2015

Music Video Construction Teacher Feedback

Below is the feedback given back to me regarding my progress for my music video.

I am very happy with the provisional mark given to me as the positives listed took a long time to achieve. My teacher has commented on the performance of my actor and I believe Abbie and I maintained a professional approach to my music video so we were able to work well together to achieve the successful footage. It is also noted that the found footage works really well in the music video which was an aim of mine. After taking the time to research the setting of my music video, it seems as though the shots of the location I chose was a good pick because the shots were well lit and sharp.

Some weaknesses of the music video are the shots seem to be all the same length of time. This is the result of my storyboard planning as I planned shots according to each bar of the song which is a mistake I should have considered in the planning process. There are also a few shots left to film which will be added into my music video very shortly. 

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