Thursday 12 February 2015

Applying Andrew Goodwin to My Coursework

Andrew Goodwin provides a theory that there are 5 key aspects to every music video. these are:
  • Relationship between the song and visuals
  • Narrative and performance of the song
  • Technical aspect of the music video
  • Star image of the protagonist
  • Thought though beat
In my previous blog post, feedback from my music video states that I have achieved a good performance from my artist. It is also noted that the lyrics corresponding with the footage works well together. For example, the visuals corresponding with the lyrics 'And don't lose the way that you dance around in your pj's getting ready for school' is the artist dancing around and having fun and also a shot of her and her 'younger-self'. The lyrics 'Remember the footsteps, remember the words said' are narrated through shots of the artist's cowgirl boots walking and then a close-up shot of her mouth singing the lyrics. There are also shots of the fireworks when the lyrics 'no ones ever burned you, no ones ever left you scarred' are sang to link in the ideas about fireworks can leave those consequences. Although there was a negative that the shots are the same length of time and don't vary, I think this shows that I have thought out the beat of the song and planned shots to go with the bars of music.

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