Wednesday 17 December 2014

To-do list

I have almost finished the construction of my media product, but there are a few things I need to do before it is fully complete.
  • Final filming shoot- (shots 3, 5, 6, 19, 29, 30, 33, 36, 40, 48, 49, 51, 61, 62, 63) 19/12/14
  • Collect found footage
  • Research digi-pack and full-page magazine advert
  • Photo shoot for digi-pack and full-page magazine advert

Monday 15 December 2014

Applying audience theory to my A2 coursework

The majority of the audience for my music video is young females. I believe that this particular audience can aspire to be like Taylor Swift who is a down-to-earth female who sings songs that the audience can relate to as they are at a similar age.

The desensitisation theory is the concept that audiences are non-reactive or insensitive to a media text. We become desensitised due to the the repetition of the media. However, this theory does not support my music video. The aim of my video's affect on the audience is to make them feel emotional about their upbringing and is meant to send the message to appreciate what we have. The audience won't look at the theory and physically react, but it will bring out emotion and make them sensitive to watching the video.

The cultivation theory is the idea that TV has a dominant impact on an audiences real-life experiences, and mainly a negative affect. George Gerbner theorised that heavy viewers of the media see the world as a dangerous place because 80% of material is violent and racist. Again, my music video does not link with this theory because it does not portray the world as a dangerous environment. The music video instead implies how wonderful life is and sends a message how we take it for granted. The actress is seen outside in different locations, which indicates how the 'outside' world is safe. 

28/11/14 shoot

Progress for the music video is going well,  on this day's shoot we went to film at the lake grounds. My friend's sister Izzy was unable to act in my music video so I asked a year 7 called Sophie to be in it. We filmed all the shots of the artist and her younger-self together.

Below is a picture of me filming the same shot but at a different angle to add variety.

Below I am directing a shot between Abbie and Sophie.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Updated Shooting Schedule

44, 46
Abbie’s House
Rachel Howard
Abbie Taylor
Video Camera
Photo Camera
7, 8, 10-17, 23, 25, 37, 39, 41
Rachel Howard
Gemma Briggs (Helping set up shots)
Abbie Taylor
Sophie Baldwin
Video Camera
Photo Camera
Paper Heart
Date to be confirmed (15th-19th December)
To be confirmed
Re-shots of singing
19, 29, 33 36, 40, 48, 49, 51, 61-63
Rachel Howard
Abbie Taylor
Video Camera
Photo Camera

Monday 1 December 2014


I took pictures of my storyboard and fitted it into the song. It acts as a guideline as what my music video will look like and help me to know how long each shot is going to be. I can fit the real footage into the anamatic to make the editing process easier.